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It’s not true. They say your profile should be all about what you do for your target audience. But here's the thing—how will we know if we can work together if you don’t know my core values? Let’s get them on the table. I’ve posted on LinkedIn for 1,000 straight days. Did I get rich? No. Didn't even a free t-shirt. But I did walk away with a couple of book ideas and a decent story. Key takeaway: I value consistency and grit. Favorite word? Indefatigable. I always wanted to be a Jedi. They're based on samurai, and samurai practiced Zen. So I’ve practiced Zen mindfulness meditation every day for 33 years. Without fail. That’s over 10,000 hours. Am I master? Not sure, but it did help me stop drinking 23 years ago. That's good enough for me. Key takeaway: If you value mindfulness, we might be a fit. If you’re into helping people beat life-wrecking addictions, I’m all in. I became a persuasionist to speak up for the elephants, whales, tigers, and the planet. They can’t speak for themselves—someone has to. Key takeaway: If you care about helping animals, we share a common value. Now onto business. If you’re still reading, let’s talk about how I can help you. I’m a copywriting strategist with one goal: trigger your customer’s primal brain and drive conversions on your website or email. Need more sales or leads? I write the words that turn clicks into cash, using neuroscience and psychology to push visitors over the edge. Ready to go from surviving to thriving? I have three 'needle movers' that will boost your website’s conversion rates and revenue. Want to know more? Click my site link and download your free web copy checklist. Results: • Generated $1.8M in leads for a Bay Area commercial roofing company. • Boosted conversions by 57% at the California Academy of Sciences. • Increased admissions by 293% for a high-end private school. If you want help with your web marketing, especially copywriting, let’s connect and make the world a better place. https://calendly.com/drittenbach

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