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I am a savvy and experienced businessman, sales person and business development manager. My expertise is customer service and I thrive off developing and strengthening robust and trusted relationships with clients that achieve business growth and greater customer satisfaction. Passionate about innovative tech, I’m always looking at the latest software the SaaS industry has to offer and thinking about marketing strategies to sell it. A charismatic, proven leader with experience working in sales across a range of businesses and sectors including retail cosmetics, B2B sales & restaurants. I bring this drive, passion and quick-learning to all my roles. Highlights of experience: ☆ Over 10 years of experience working in sales and business development roles ☆ Expertise in developing trusted and robust relationships with customers, with a CRM-orientation ☆ Experience in sales, marketing, business development, customer success and financial management ☆ Interested in tech, innovation and SaaS ☆ Constantly looking for opportunities to learn, develop and build my sales skills To hear more about my experience and sales style, or to discuss an opportunity, feel free to reach out via email at [email protected]

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