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Dr. Patrice McClellan

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Dr. Patrice McClellan is the Founder and President of The Ronald Group. She is affectionately known as Dr. P. Dr. P is a dynamic leadership coach and organizational strategist. She is also nationally recognized race scholar and leadership expert. With over 20 years of experience activating leaders, dismantling systems of organizational dysfunction, and helping organizations thrive by supporting advocacy and allyship at work. Prior to founding the Ronald Group, Dr. P was an Associate Professor of Business and Leadership at Lourdes University. She was the first Black woman professor to receive promotion to the associate level at that university. Before Lourdes, Dr. McClellan was a member of the faculty at Miami University of Ohio where she oversaw curriculum development for Miami's Wilkes Leadership Institute. In addition to her faculty role at Miami, she served as Special Assistant to the Vice President of Student Affairs leading the division through strategic planning and organizational change strategies. Dr. P is also a published author on leadership activism, leadership development, and co-author of the book " Herstories: Leading with the Lessons of the Lives of Black Women Activists. As President of The Ronald Group, Dr. P activates leaders, addresses inequity, and transforms organizations.

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