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Tanya English, D.C.

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How do you find treasure in the tragedy? How do you begin your healing journey? Does everything happen for your highest good? Yes, you can! If you are reading this, I imagine you are questioning that last statement. I am here to tell you that, yes, indeed, you can heal. How can I be so sure? Because it happened to me! When I was in chiropractic college learning how to help people heal, my husband and I were expecting our first child. What was supposed to be an exciting experience ended abruptly when our son was stillborn. Questioning how it could happen and whether I did something wrong, I finally asked myself, “Do you believe everything happens for the highest good?” I asked God to show me the good. The signs quickly appeared from my husband's loving care and support and support from family and friends. Then I asked God to place me where healing would happen. And oddly enough, healing took a big leap that summer at the Mississippi Valley Blues Festival while listening to The Blind Boys of Alabama. I could feel love wash through me during their performance and knew that my healing had reached a new level. And through this experience, I was on my life path to helping others through energy healing and music. I have witnessed much healing through music since being called to release the blues singer in me. My band, The Tanya English Band, was born, and in 2021, we were in the tent stage at the very festival where my journey with healing blues began. Healing with the Blues Method combines my healing and music work. Women who have experienced grief can become stuck in that experience. That stuckness may appear as overwhelm, procrastination, anger, sleep deprivation, inability to finish tasks, low creativity and joy, or being troubled by your “mean girl” inner voice. The Method combines Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique, EFT Tapping (emotional freedom technique), Theta Healing, guided meditation, prayer, and other modalities to work through your limiting beliefs and trauma. You learn to identify and experience your feelings, allowing them to be exposed so they can dissipate. We use blues music to introduce people to feelings they may have buried. Gift yourself the time to slow down so you can really hear what you need for your body and soul. An intuitive energy scan can identify what is blocking you from reaching your highest good and determine your next step. If you are ready to release the past, empower the present and create a harmonious future, contact me at [email protected].

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