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Mohid Shakeel's Linkedin Analytics

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Mohid Shakeel

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As a Project Manager at Cred Media, I led and coordinated multiple digital media projects for various clients, ensuring timely delivery, quality, and budget compliance. I partnered with internal and external stakeholders, such as media buyers, creative teams, vendors, and publishers, to execute and optimize media campaigns across different channels and platforms. I also contributed to the development and implementation of digital strategy, best practices, and analytics for the company. With over 4 years of experience in the digital media industry, I have developed and honed my skills in e-commerce, advertising, project management, communication, and problem-solving. I have worked as a Media Buyer at Shopify and DS DIGITAL STUDIO, where I managed and optimized online advertising campaigns for various e-commerce clients, using data-driven insights and tools to achieve their goals and maximize their ROI. I am currently pursuing my Bachelor's degree in Information Technology from Govt murray college , sialkot, where I am learning the fundamentals and applications of IT in various domains and sectors. I am passionate about leveraging technology to create innovative and impactful solutions for the digital media landscape. I am eager to learn new skills, explore new opportunities, and collaborate with diverse and talented professionals in the field.

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