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Edward Glanville, MBiolSci's Linkedin Analytics

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Edward Glanville is Senior Programme Editor and Head of Sustainability Events Programming at The Economist Group, He spearheads the creation of the largest portfolio events for the global media brand, influencing the worldwide agenda on Sustainability. He has effectively initiated, expanded, and overseen numerous top-tier international events, engaging thousands of world leaders while implementing innovative processes and technology to fulfil objectives. Working alongside influential figures like Bill Gates, John Kerry, Justin Trudeau, and António Guterres, he has fostered impactful partnerships with governments, industries, and NGOs. His endeavours have led him to collaborate on programs and partnerships at the White House, and contribute to the Inflation Reduction Act by forging effective alliances between government and industry. He also works closely with the United Nations helping to deliver on the SDGs. His overarching goal is to instigate positive change and motivate global audiences through content that informs, engages, and empowers action.

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