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Edward Barrows

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Edward is a high-energy profitability and growth-oriented hospitality executive leading ventures across hotels & resorts, food & beverage, entertainment, and real estate. He is currently an advisor to hospitality owners, investors, and operators, specializing in operational improvement programs and acquisitions & development. In his role as Director of Development at AvantStay, Edward led hospitality growth initiatives across luxury asset classes, including new-build developments, boutique & lifestyle hotels, and experiential apartment-condos. As former Chief of Staff, he drove strategic and operational initiatives along side the C-suite. Before joining AvantStay, Edward was Director of Strategic Planning at Caesars Entertainment in Las Vegas, and held roles in Hotel Development - championing the sales of 6 of Caesars’ luxury hotel brands - as well as Entertainment and F&B / Hospitality Operations at Caesars Palace. Prior, he was an associate in JPMorgan Chase's New York offices, and a senior consultant at CAST Management Consultants (acquired by West Monroe Partners), engaging top national and regional financial institutions. Edward completed his MBA at the UCLA Anderson School of Management and B.S. in Business Administration, with a concentration in Finance, at the University of Southern California.

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