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Edwin Abl

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Over the last decade, I have helped companies and people scale, typically from $1 million to $50+ million in annual revenues. My sweet spot is advising VCs, CEOs and leadership teams about scaling GTM. I have had the opportunity to work with scale-ups across the US, Europe and Asia. Then, in 2020, it all changed. I started working independently as an advisor and coach. But, I needed to define value outside of being a fractional CMO/CRO. I believe addressing the issues most scaling SaaS companies face would be an incredible asset: how to scale through marketing execution. So, I built a methodology. It has three parts: Operational Excellence (Due Diligence), GTM Strategy (Advisor Cycles) and personal progress (Mentor/Coaching). These pillars help build a GTM machine in B2B SaaS companies when optimised. Since launching, I have been working with Venture Capital firms and CEOs to de-risk scaling worries and remove the probability of making mistakes. I'm helping high-growth SaaS businesses and CEOs across the globe scale revenue. In short, I'm making the process of scaling safer and telling you how to do it. My career: → I have successfully managed almost every aspect of sales and marketing hands-on. I was the Chief Marketing Officer at two London scale-ups in the Blenheim Chalcot portfolio, Hive Learning (including new business sales) and payments business Modulr, the second-fastest-growing tech company in the UK for 2020. Previously, I ran Appirio's (sold for $500m) marketing, alliances and GTM in Europe, a fun mission where we scaled the pipeline from $30k to $133M in 5 years. → Specialities include GTM strategy, sales and marketing alignment, US to Europe expansion, UK to US expansion, commercial team Due Diligence, B2B SaaS marketing, demand generation, brand building, value propositions, international GTM and leadership. SCALE SMARTER NEWSLETTER My newsletter’s job to be done is to help you get better at work—specifically, bridging the CEO/Investor/Chairman - Marketing knowledge gap, those who want to learn about marketing, removing GTM Unknowns and helping inspire personal progress. If I can do this job super-well for you consistently, you’ll keep reading. → GO HERE: www.edwinabl.com → ABM PLAYBOOK: https://www.edwinabl.com/abmplaybook → DUE DILIGENCE: www.demandkarma.com

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