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Maureen Efobi

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As a relationship and customer service professional turned product manager, my experiences from my previous roles have allowed me to interact with my customers and understand their pains. The desire to help my users using the transferable skills I harnessed from these roles has provided me with great insight into identifying problems and creating innovative solutions. Some major highlights from these previous roles include; ▪︎Implementing strategies as a customer service officer that increased customer experience by 33% and positioned the branch at 1st place. ▪︎Collaborating with my team of relationship managers to design a 3-month brand positioning roadmap that strengthened the brand within a new environment, and grew the client base by over 30% within a month. With the opportunity to be a part of the solution, my priority is to build market-fit products that inspire and provide real value for both its users and the business as well as influence the product decision-making process and serve as a glue that binds the many functions of a product team having acquired skills in product Roadmapping, product strategy, product thinking, product design, product prioritization and metrics. When I am not talking Product Management, I love spending time around nature and enjoy planning social events and meeting new people. I am constantly developing my skills and always exploring ways to improve myself and would love to learn from you too so please stick around!😊 Feel free to contact me at 📧 [email protected]

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