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Ekaterina Lymbourides's Linkedin Analytics

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Ekaterina Lymbourides

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Ekaterina is a passionate entrepreneur and business developer with more than 18 years of practical experience. Currently she works as a Business Development Consultant at the Swiss BPO & IT staffing vendor NextLink Group (since 1996), where her interests lie at the intersection of disruptive technologies and accelerating innovation. Awarded the status of Account TOP Hunter-2023 at NextLink Group. Coordinating events in Davos during the days of the WEF. Expertise: - 15+ years as a Founder/CEO of a B2B manufactory and consumer industry resulting in an exit. - Extensive experience in emerging technologies Swiss start-ups (AI, Blockchain) - Expert in B2B sales and strategic partnerships at initial project stage - 2022 Research: Industrial metaverses - problems and opportunities. - Accelerates the implementations of advanced industrial B2B AI and infrastructure blockchain solutions as a passionate Business Developer, Strategic Partnerships and B2B Sales professional. - Hosts annual high-level investment side-events in Davos (WEF days) and Lisbon (Web Summit). - Holds a degree in Marketing.

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