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Elena R.'s Linkedin Analytics

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Elena R.

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Established in 1982 Rubicon People Partnership, formerly Rubicon Recruitment Group, became 100% employee-owned in April 2021. Of 6 million businesses in the UK there are less than 600 that are employee-owned and Rubicon is one of only four wholly employee-owned recruitment consultancies in the UK, and the only one on the south coast. We support a wide range of businesses with their immediate recruitment needs, as well as providing Contractors and Temps into companies UK wide. If you need our help, as an employer, a Temp worker, a Contractor and/or as a potential applicant for a permanent job, then please get in touch. Throughout the ups and downs of business our recruitment approach remains that of a consultancy rather than an agency. The difference is significant as it entails our Recruitment Consultants spending time consulting with candidates and clients to ensure full understanding of individual needs so that requirements are entirely met. Success has meant that we’re consistently recognised as the trusted recruitment partner and staffing supplier to numerous successful businesses in the south. From our large recruitment centre in Poole, Dorset, we work alongside businesses across the UK to find them talented people who will help their businesses grow. Rubicon also supplies temporary staff into a diverse range of business sectors in the Dorset area itself. We have extremely high professional standards with integrity, happiness and positivity at the core of our cultural identity and we all enjoy working with, and helping, others. What helps to set Rubicon apart from the “recruitment agency crowd” are our core values, professional competence, high standards, collective sense of fun and innovative candidate attraction methods.

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