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Eleni Buras 🏋️💻's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Eleni Buras 🏋️💻

Eleni Buras 🏋️💻

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Hey, I'm Eleni. I am a performance marketer 📈 who's OBSESSED with building growth and data-driven marketing 📈 [... and fitness!] 🏋️ Here are some highlights from my journey: →Steered the launch of 450+ strategic GTM initiatives at Google. →Catalysed a rise in sales from £45m to a whopping £150m for a renowned public entity. →Masterminded 8-figure revenue frameworks for a global FTSE250 brand. →Developed and trained 20+ member product marketing and growth teams.

Check out Eleni Buras 🏋️💻's verified LinkedIn stats (last 30 days)

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