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Elisa Pogliano

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If you are a leader in Digital Marketing, Media or eCommerce, you already know it: driving change that sticks requires huge amounts of your time and effort. Let's play a game... Tell me how many of these projects you have in the pipeline (or juggle already): A. Big change projects - Vetting and onboarding a new agency - Rethinking your eCommerce go-to-market strategy & capabilities - Redesigning your media planning end-to-end process - Restructuring your organisation - Launching a DTC business. B. More focused change projects - Selecting a technology partner for a specific need - Finding efficiencies in your agency fees by improving your ways of working - Deep-diving on a specific online retailer or digital marketing channel - Defining / refining your team's KPIs and reporting tools - Rolling out a customised training programme. I bet you already work on several of these. And each one requires time-consuming work like research, change management, stakeholders management, project management... The point is, you have too much on your plate. And simply not enough resources to do it all. Now imagine you could get help from someone who's been through it. Someone who can help you think strategically, but also take execution off your hands. Who hits the ground running, but keeps you in the loop. Someone who can get onboard flexibly - just for the time required by each project. Luckily, that's what I do. ➡️ Find out more: https://hensmilk.com/services ➡️ Get a free 30' first consultation: https://calendly.com/elisahensmilk/30min Who am I? I am a Digital Transformation veteran with 17+ years of international experience in Consumer Goods (P&G, Mattel); I have spent more than half of my corporate career in eCommerce, Digital Marketing & Media senior leadership roles. Highlights of my career included setting up Mattel's Digital & Media function across Europe and growing it into a 35-people division, and launching their Direct-to-Consumer eCommerce business in 5 European countries. In 2022, I founded Hen's Milk, a boutique consulting firm, to help other Digital & eCommerce leaders succeed in driving change - whether they operate in the context of a large organisation, or a start-up ready to scale. My FMCG commercial background across a diverse range of product categories gives me a unique perspective on how Digital Marketing, Media & eCommerce must enable the broader business and fit into the organisation. ➡️ Find out more: https://hensmilk.com/services ➡️ Get a free 30' first consultation: https://calendly.com/elisahensmilk/30min

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