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Elisabeth Hansen

open on linkedin

Hello! I'm Elisabeth - a content designer specializing in user enablement and product education. I thrive in the overlap of business and user needs, designing resources and roadmaps that keep users connected and help companies grow. My career portfolio is built on: - Platform and feature guides for CMS, LMS, asset creation/management, and report building - Support/help/FAQ content for internal staff systems and intranet - Onboarding content audits and revisions, both for modules and live trainings - Video storyboarding, scripting, filming, editing, and captioning - Workshop development, delivery, and evaluation - Webpage copy writing & editing, information architecture, and accessibility In my work, I value and practice: - Grounded, creative, human-centered problem solving - Strong, trust-centered stakeholder relationships - Accessible, sustainable product & learning solutions Let's work together! I’m currently open to remote or hybrid opportunities in the US, specifically SaaS and companies with a strong focus on community and learning. Seeking content design and program management roles. Open to relocation. 😊 Available on LinkedIn messenger, or email at [email protected]

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