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🥰 Elizabeth Merchant 🌼's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of 🥰 Elizabeth Merchant 🌼

🥰 Elizabeth Merchant 🌼

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If I have to pick one word that sums up what I am all about, it is PEOPLE. I am definitely a people person. Whether it is giving my time as a mentor to both youth and adults, helping a child with reading through tutoring, or providing an answer if someone has a question, I enthusiastically jump at the chance to be of assistance. As one who is ambitious and always striving to develop my potential, learning never stops; I am currently pursuing the Social Service Worker program at Seneca College. Besides being someone who loves to help others, I am also fascinated by words. Never without some kind of reading material or notebook for jotting down ideas, I often spend time researching and writing. I write poetry, fiction and non-fiction in the form of essays. My short story collection, can be found here: 🌸 https://blog.reedsy.com/creative-writing-prompts/author/charm-elizabeth-merchant/ 🌸 I am also a HUGE cat and dog fan, and care deeply about animal causes. Having two furry cat friends of my own led me to acquire a certificate in Pet First Aid. Feel free to connect with me, whether it is on topics in social work, my writing, or if you would like to discuss a possible writing project collaboration, I welcome comments and inquiries! Background Roses Photo credit: Picspree - https://picspree.com/

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