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Ellen Amo-Tachie's Linkedin Analytics

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Ellen Amo-Tachie

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I am a transformational leader who brings the best out of my team through collaboration, exemplary standards, and creating a safe space where mistakes are not shamed but embraced as part of the learning process. Being a master of many trades, my various areas of expertise as a bilingual writer, internal auditor, chartered accountant, and chartered tax practitioner makes me your multifunction professional for your finance and tax related needs. As a chartered accountant, I bring financial data to life by telling their unique stories for informed business decisions through visualizations and financial reporting. I also enjoy helping businesses scale up through effective risk management, cash flow optimization, financial modeling, and strategic planning. Added to that, I connect businesses to much-needed sources of capital. In my role as a chartered tax practitioner, I take pride in clearing the fog of taxation by providing concise tax advice. I believe that the simpler the better; therefore, I assist businesses and individuals in voluntary tax compliance using my simple processes and techniques to make compliance actually enjoyable. I serve also as a guide to multinationals seeking to or already established in Ghana navigate effective strategies for transfer pricing and other tax compliances to boost group financial performance. As an internal auditor, I am the plumb level of organizations (both profit and non-profit) for internal controls effectiveness, operational compliance, and statutory compliance in order to enhance and protect organizational value by providing risk-based and objective assurance, advice, and insights. I am a constant learner who loves to share knowledge in my domain of expertise. My unique blend of excellence, ethics, and humor makes me one of a kind in the things I love to do. Connect with me for professional relationships with a difference!

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