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Ellie S.'s Linkedin Analytics

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Ellie S.

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🌟 With over a decade of experience within the B2B SaaS hyper-growth realm, I am a forward-thinking and results-driven leader. My passion lies in designing and facilitating training programs that effectively address emerging business challenges while implementing progressive learning strategies that empower employees and drive revenue. 📈 From joining as employee number 77 to witnessing the company's growth to over 700 employees and successfully navigating an IPO, I have honed my skills in creating and scaling training programs where none existed before. By identifying and addressing unique organizational needs, I create an environment that fosters employee fulfillment and performance, ultimately optimizing training programs to achieve tangible business outcomes. ✨ As the head of the Revenue Enablement function at a hyper-growth cybersecurity company, I'm passionate about helping Red Sift protect organizations and the people within them with software products built on our serverless platform that outsmart cyber attackers at scale.

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