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Emily Galati

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I am a highly organized, dedicated and trusted professional with demonstrated experience in delivering business, operational and personal support. For over 12 years, I have worked diligently to keep C-Suite Executives, Business Owners and HNWI’s prepared, up to speed and on time. I have proven experience across all facets of executive level support, from extensive calendar management, events, travel, project management, to coordinating the day to day administrative and operational functions of my exec and the wider team. I can successfully juggle multiple calendars, deadlines, and business priorities. I strive to deliver a consistent positive impact on my executives professional and personal life, while playing an integral role in the growth and success of the business. Being a strategic partner who can be trusted with a variety of tasks, manage sensitive information, and keep the wheels of the business running smoothly are qualities I pride myself on, and I am well regarded for my strong work ethic, can-do attitude and proactivity. I enjoy learning new things, influencing a high performing office culture, and organising the hell out of pretty much everything. I absolutely love meeting new people, and am always looking to expand my professional networks and build strong relationships.

Check out Emily Galati's verified LinkedIn stats (last 30 days)

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