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Emma Budgen's Linkedin Analytics

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Emma Budgen

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An engaging customer focused professional with a set of transferable and effective communication and business skills. With operational and managerial experience spanning First Class Hospitality, IT and Film production, is perfectly suited to expertly front and complement a forward thinking, customer driven company with: Business Development, Customer Support, Project Management, Account Management, Technical Implementations, Requirements Gathering, Recruitment, Accommodation Management or any role requiring service excellence. Specialties: -New Business Start-up and Development. -Keen ability to see a big picture, identify the detail & achieve a positive and structured result. -Focused commitment and a passion for the provision of service excellence. -Logistical co-ordination of people and services to an under budget deadline. -Talent for invoking staff and customer, loyalty and retention. -Product Training & Installation with perceptive recruiting capability.

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