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Eric Baum's Linkedin Analytics

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Eric Baum

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-Silicon Valley veteran with a unique combination of Commercial and Public Sector GTM leadership -Exemplary, Front & Second line, team builder with a bench of sales, channel, engineering, marketing, operations, and product professionals -Significant growth in Existing & Emerging Technologies and Managed & Professional Services; resulting single contracts in excess of $40M, $200M+ organizational revenue, and pipelines in excess of $700M -Improved start up valuation by exceeding revenue & profit objectives which contributed to the acquisitions of two companies -Exceptional knowledge of technology, competitive landscape, and relationships in the Cyber-Security, OSINT and DarkWeb Intelligence, Insider Threats, Situational Awareness, Network & Endpoint Security, SEIM, SOAR, Identity Management, IoT security, Forensics, Vulnerabilities & Risk, and Information Assurance & Operations markets -Cyber Security & Insider Threat speaker – Sample: HTCIA, ISSA, IT-ISAC, Chime, and Cyber Security Summits -TS Clearance –presently inactive

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