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Erin Carmody Locic's Linkedin Analytics

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Erin Carmody Locic

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Compass is Australia’s most comprehensive school management platform, enabling your school to drive increased parent engagement, spend less time on administration, and more time delivering great learning experiences. Partner with us, and we'll make sure you get much-needed relief for your staff and time back in your day by using our one-stop-shop School Management platform. If you're ready for change - we're ready for you! I have a wide range of experience in Technology, Project Management, Software, Change Management & Customer Service, Finance, Superannuation, Insurance & Fund Management. Now, with 6 years at Compass behind me - you're in very good hands! I am a capable, reliable, and skilled Senior Relationship Manager, Customer Success Manager, Business Development Manager & Qualified EA. My passion? Networking, making genuine connections, organising events, and helping educators succeed. Interested? Hit the follow and message button and I'll be in touch.

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