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Ernesto Romero's Linkedin Analytics

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Ernesto Romero

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โž  Follow me for daily doses of leadership & habit hacks. ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿผ โž  Book a call with me to grow your business. As the Director of Sales at TEGNA, I lead a sales team of 14 to surpass revenue goals, expand market share, optimize yield and deliver accurate forecasts. With 18+ years of experience in the media and advertising industry, I have developed a strong expertise in strategic planning, relationship development, and market expansion. I am passionate about delivering customer solutions through an integrated suite of media platforms, including television, digital, mobile and other emerging products. I have a proven track record of building high-performing teams, developing new enterprise business, and managing diverse revenue streams. I am also bilingual (English/Spanish), which enables me to connect with a wide range of clients and audiences.

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