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Erzsébet Pap-Tolstrup's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Erzsébet Pap-Tolstrup

Erzsébet Pap-Tolstrup

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With more than 12 years of experience in purchasing, category management, and procurement, I am a seasoned professional with a broad background and network in the industry. I have successfully managed a wide range of categories, including services, production and non-production materials, machinery and automation equipment, and indirect procurement. I have also developed and implemented processes and tools for managing tenders, supplier evaluation and development, and auditing. I have worked across 17 countries and cultures, demonstrating cultural understanding and negotiation skills. I have a high energy level, an outgoing personality, and a people-minded approach. I am good at establishing and maintaining relationships, handling multiple tasks and deadlines, and knowing when to stay firm and when to give in. I am currently leading the partner program at #HowToRobot, where I am responsible for creating and managing strategic partnerships with various organizations and stakeholders in the robotics field. My mission is to leverage my expertise and network to expand the reach and impact of #HowToRobot, and to support the growth and innovation of the robotics industry.

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