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MD Atik Ullah's Linkedin Analytics

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MD Atik Ullah

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🚀🚀Looking For a Legit Professional Google ads, Facebook Ads and Web Analytics expert to help you set up, manage and Optimize Google Ads, and AdWords PPC campaigns that can generate more sales, leads, and traffic? That's why I am here! 🚀 With over 5 years of experience in digital marketing and brand awareness, I have developed a strong skill set in various areas such as web analytics, Facebook Ads, Google Ads, and social media marketing. I am currently a Marketing Advertising Specialist at Sunflower Ventures, where I drive brand awareness through strategic campaigns. Additionally, I work as a Web Analytics Manager at The Institutes, leveraging my expertise in Google Analytics and GA4 E-commerce Tracking. As a dedicated professional, I prioritize high-quality work, fast service, and effective communication to ensure client satisfaction and foster long-term relationships.

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