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Ram Prakash

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Passionate Technology Leader | Driving Digital Transformation in Banking and Supply Chain With over 20 years of dynamic experience in the realms of Cloud Architecture, DevOps, and Oracle Database, I am dedicated to helping organizations unlock their full potential in the digital era. My expertise lies at the intersection of technology and business, where I specialize in designing and implementing solutions that fuel efficiency, scalability, and innovation. Key Skills: DevOps and Scrum Expert: Over two decades of hands-on experience, adept at steering development and support teams towards excellence. Cloud Architecture Specialist: Thriving on crafting solutions that embrace the power of the cloud, driving transformational change. CI/CD Pipeline Maven: Proficient in designing and implementing robust CI/CD pipelines and automation procedures for accelerated development cycles. Oracle Database Guru: In-depth knowledge of database technology using Oracle, contributing to the foundation of robust and secure systems. Professional Strengths: Communication Maestro: Known for excellent communication skills, with a proven ability to lead and achieve project objectives. Problem-solving Virtuoso: Approachable and expert in problem-solving, with an amazing ability to work independently and under minimal supervision. Agile Enthusiast: Proven exposure and in-depth understanding of SDLC, Agile methodologies, tools, and processes. ITIL Certified Expert: A stalwart in Incident, Service Request, Problem, and Change Management, ensuring seamless application production support. I thrive on challenges and have a track record of collaborating closely with problem owners, SMEs, and stakeholders to identify and resolve complex issues. Let's connect and explore how my passion and expertise can contribute to your organization's success in the digital age.

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