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Fahd S. Kakakhel's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Fahd S. Kakakhel

Fahd S. Kakakhel

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Experienced CEO/FOUNDER with a demonstrated history of working in multiple verticals with special focus on Healthcare,Telecom,Financing,Energy and Supply Chain Management. Professionally skilled in Vision&Strategy, Corporate Governance, Talent Management, Brand Reputation, Stake holders Management , Risk Management, Innovation & Tech, Business Planning, Operations Management, Analytical Skills, and Key Performance Indicators. Spearheaded SKMC, Fertility & Genetics (Pvt) Ltd, PHC (Pvt) Ltd, PHCSCD, 1 MG and multiple other companies via transformation into leading health service companies with an emphasis on empowering individuals to manage their own health; innovating new health delivery models; partnering with medical experts to focus on wellness and prevention; and improving healthcare quality. Fahd is also a prominent voice addressing how our society can build a more sustainable health care system, which increases access, affordability and predictability for the people at the bottom part of the pyramid. Along with Pak Health Consultants, he is actively involved in multiple ventures. Currently, he is providing his valuable input into the entrepreneurial landscape of Pakistan while working as a Mentor at National Incubation Centers, HEC and multiple universities for bridging the industry / Academia gap . Apart from that, he is an active member of Islamabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Pakistan Autism Society, Chairman of the Board of Directors at Salma Kafeel Trust, Executive Director & CEO at Digital Health Association, Mentor at HEDP with HEC and Chairman Board of Directors at Ibrahim Khan Jhagra Foundation.

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