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Faraz Ahmad's Linkedin Analytics

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Faraz Ahmad

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Are you looking to maximize your sales potential on Amazon? Look no further! With over 2 years of experience in product launching, product maintenance, and a solid reputation as a Level 2 seller on Fiverr, I am your go-to Amazon PPC expert. What sets me apart is my track record of success. Through my services, I have collaborated with numerous brands to generate substantial sales growth on Fiverr. My ability to craft strategic campaigns tailored to each client's unique needs has resulted in impressive outcomes, leading to satisfied clients and repeat business. In addition to my practical experience, I hold a certification in Amazon Ads, which validates my expertise in the field. When you choose my services, you gain access to a wealth of resources, including a diverse portfolio showcasing my past successes. These examples highlight my ability to drive conversions, optimize ad spend, and increase brand visibility. Moreover, testimonials from satisfied clients speak volumes about my dedication to providing exceptional service and achieving tangible results.

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