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I have eleven years of diverse work experience in multiple different sectors, since starting my professional career in 2010. Beginning with persuing an internship at the National Bank of Pakistan, where I became accustomed in commerical banking over the course of a year. Soon after my departure I joined Philip Morris International and worked with them as Logistics Manager and Sales Analyst for four years. Then I had worked as Coproducer for a media house it was like one year project like managing events and music concerts. I had worked two years in the Insurance sector like in insurance sales and customer services I were managing portfolio of the 5k plus clients and also worked in Islamic takaful system and convitional insurance products. I expanded into mutual fund management for different clients on behalf of Ubl Funds and Alfalah Investments. Where I managed and co-ordinated portfolios with approximately $30,000 in assets under management in the Pakistani market. Now I find myself in Barcelona and I have been working here in the tourism sector. As an independent freelancer in business development consultancy. I am looking for new engaging opportunities to excel in, that are challenging but rewarding and allow me to apply the decade of corporate experience I have.

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