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Fergus Leleu's Linkedin Analytics

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Fergus Leleu

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CEO of eshotlabs.com: > live video company > providing white label b2b solutions I am proud to work with an ambitious team and partner with JB Kempf, the #1 expert in the video space. Formerly: — 1st employee @BetClic 💰 — Advertising @Publicis 🦁 — Co-Founder @Webassadors♟ (copied and killed by facebook) 💸👿 — Country Sales Manager @FSecure 🔒 — CBDO @Shadow ☁️ — Founder & CEO @eShot Labs ⚡️ 🥋🏊‍♂️⛳️ — Nature lover 🌱 — Muay-Thaï fighter 🥊 — Soccer player ⚽️ In 2021 my employer Blade Shadow went bankrupt after raising and spending $135M. I took the opportunity to take over the company by raising €35M in 10-day from Xavier Niel (Iliad) and put an offer at the Court. Unfortunately my opponent OVH won after a tough battle. Now I know that impossible is nothing.

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