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Fiona Campbell

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Hello I am Fiona Campbell and I help business professionals use NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) tools to enhance their communicating, motivating, leading, coaching and influencing skills I am the founder of The Professional Growth Company and NLP Business Circle I am NLP Trainer and Business Master Practitioner, Corporate Facilitator, Mentor, Executive Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Speaker I have over 30 years international Leadership Development experience working in the UK, Middle East and India. Prior to that, I had a wonderful variety of jobs from Air Traffic Control, through to International Sales Manager I help people be the best they can be by teaching them how to tap into their inner resources, strength and resilience. Having been made redundant three times, I know what it is like to face tough times. I also know that we all have unlimited potential, that when liberated can achieve amazing things. I am passionate about life-long learning and, during the first UK lockdown was able to move my company from international face to face training to online training and coaching. I truly believe that we are moving into really exciting times for leaders and coaches and how we develop people is now key to the success of companies. Having the ability to learn, unlearn and relearn, being vulnerable and empathetic, communicating clearly, coaching and developing others and having an open and flexible mindset a must for our leaders today. At The Professional Growth Company we offer a range of both live, interactive and on-demand online training and one to one coaching geared at helping business professionals improve their communicating, motivating, leading, coaching and influencing skills We offer ANLP Certified Online Training for: • NLP Business Practitioner • NLP Business Business Coach Online Leadership Development Courses • NLP Frictionless Communication Skills for Leaders and Coaches • NLP Business Coaching Skills for Managers Online Membership Club • NLP Business Circle International Club • Professional Growth Club Self-Learning Online Courses • How to Use the NLP Meta Model in Business Check out my Free Focused Listening for Business Toolkit https://www.nlpbusinesscircle.com/focussed-listening-for-business or contact me at [email protected] and I would be happy to have a chat about the best way I can help you Thank you Fiona Campbell

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