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Thanks for stopping by! My formal biography can be viewed on my website (www.thefriendlyfamilylawyer.co.uk) but let me tell you what you really want to know. Why work with me? I am a self-employed, specialist family law solicitor with 5 ⭐️client testimonials. As I am self-employed, I do not have billing targets to meet. I work with a select number of clients at any given time and always work under capacity. This enables me to provide an unrivalled level of service, simply unavailable from traditional law firms. I will never take on additional cases if doing so would negatively impact on service levels for existing clients. I practise exclusively in family law and provide straightforward, pragmatic advice to clients, saving them both time and money. Handling your own case? I regularly assist litigants in person and also offer educational services and courses, teaching people how to successfully manage their own cases. These courses do not constitute one to one legal advice and are outside of the regulatory solicitor framework. The courses are operated through The Friendly Family Lawyer Ltd. They are offered to provide general support to individuals who cannot afford to instruct a solicitor to act for them. My areas of expertise are as follows: 1. Divorce; 2. Separation; 3. Cohabitation Disputes; 4. Pre and Post Nuptial Agreements; 5. Separation Agreements; 6. Applications involving grandparents; 7. Financial Remedies on Divorce; 8. Applications under the Children Act; 9. Non-Molestation and Occupation Orders; 10. Prohibited Steps Orders; 11. TOLATA claims; 12. Dealing with high net worth individuals and cases involving multi assets. For more information on my services, please visit: https://thefriendlyfamilylawyer.co.uk/ If you would like to arrange a confidential consultation, please feel free to email me: [email protected] Find me on Instagram: @familylawuk Find me on Facebook: @fotoullafamilylaw

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