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Francis Cornu

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At the age of 20, I launched my agency and met with abject failure. I hadn't managed to find enough clients for my agency. I wondered what I was going to do with my life. I was ashamed to look at the people around me and feel like a failure. But the same year that I failed, I ended up joining a promising start-up as a Business Developer. I quickly developed a passion for sales and, at just 24, I was promoted to Head of Sales at this hyper-growth start-up in the healthcare sector. ❤️‍🔥 The experience and support I received during this adventure not only enabled me to acquire solid knowledge of B2B sales, but also gave me the desire to set up my own business. In 2024, armed with my past experience and expertise, I decided to chart my own course by helping companies and solopreneurs to develop their B2B sales strategies. Find out more in the "My selection" section: 💌 My newsletter du Lead au Deal 📲 The link to book an appointment

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