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Frank Rauch

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An executive that checks all the boxes with leadership and general management, direct sales, channel leadership, strategy and Board experience. A direct sales career which spans almost 20 years with a proven track record of building world class sales teams, delivering predictable results and relentless execution with world class companies such as IBM, Compaq, HP and VMware. A channel leader with experience in building and leading the largest enterprise channels in the world for HP, VMware and Check Point. Critical success factors include a focus on transformation, credibility with CEO’s of $10+ billion corporations, and broad responsibility with marketing, programs, and inside sales. A champion of diversity and inclusion who has been a speaker at Women's industry events, achieved top scores for diversity and inclusion and an executive sponsor for Veterans A strategic thinker who excels in sales strategy, market share capture, acquisition integration and complex deal structures. Assisting top leadership in making critical decision which drove exceptional results. A Board Advisor to some epic start-ups such as Cohesity, Skycure and Cloudgenera An over-achiever with over 70 industry awards including top 25 executive ranking and a lifetime achievement award A philanthropist, teacher and mentor with Drexel University, Holy Ghost Prep, Amigos de Jesus, Philadelphia Flyers Charities and a Hall of Fame Member for Ice Dogs Hockey During a career with some of the greatest pioneers and leaders of IT transformation, I do find some time to relax. I enjoy being on the water, sport fishing, wine, travel, and sometimes being engrossed in a great book. Specialties include: direct and indirect sales leadership, strategy and planning, P&L responsibility, public speaking, transformation, M&A, competitive strategy, marketing, inside sales

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