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Fraz Anjum

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===================== "Design, Manage, Deliver" ===================== I have been in the software industry for more than 10 years and successfully managed 30+ projects over a variety of industries such as CRM, Financial Services, Trade & Logistics, Production, Health, E-Commerce & Social Networking. I have extensive design, agile product management and delivery experience for both web and mobile platforms. I have been involved in setting product roadmap, creating user stories, prioritizing backlogs and validating deliverables. I am also a certified Product Owner & Scrum Master. I have strong stakeholder management skills and adept at communicating effectively to cross-functional teams, supported by my extensive technical background and design expertise. Due to my unique blend of management, analytical, design, and technical skills, I am capable of designing, managing and delivering a product of any complexity level in an efficient and timely manner. Design portfolio: www.behance.net/frazanjum Agile Project Manager, Scrum Master, Product Owner, Delivery Lead, Iteration Manager, Technical Lead, Product Management, Iteration Management, Product Delivery, Project Management, User stories, UI/UX Design, UI, UX, Mockups, Wireframing, Prototyping, Information architecture, visual design, User journeys, Personas, Stakeholder management, Requirement analysis, technical consultant, functional consultant, ERP, Microsoft Dynamics AX, Sketch, Photoshop, illustrator, Invisionapp, Trello, Asana, Slack, C, C++, Java, J2EE, NetBeans, JBoss, IBM Websphere, .Net, C#, Infragistics, Python, Django, R, PHP, Zend, Cakephp, Codeigniter, Laravel, Javascript, HTML, CSS, JQuery, Kotlin, Objective-C, Swift, iOS, iPhone, Android, Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Amazon web services, AWS, Google Cloud, Windows, Linux, Mac

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