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Fulin L.

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👋 Hi, I’m Fulin and I share content across the spectrum. I’m curious about culture, resilience, storytelling, and people. To me, life is like a multifaceted gemstone 💎 and I’ll like to show not just the shiny sides but also the messy middle. In short, I’m not afraid of tough conversations and challenges. I call that breakfast, and I’m not leaving until I clean out the buffet. 🦄I've thrived on three different continents in the last decade and accumulated experiences in multiple positions. New environments do not deter me. A lifelong learner, I am keen on improving my skills and acquiring new ones. Seeking new connections, fortifying current ones. Feel free to send me a message! 🙂 1️⃣Versatile professional with experience in various sectors: non-profit, education, food manufacturing and tourism 2️⃣Solid background in communications, project management, office administration, event organisation, customer service and product development 3️⃣Innate attention to detail, accuracy, flexibility, and ability to learn complex tasks quickly A creative problem-solver who is resilient, motivated and service-oriented 4️⃣Proficient in Adobe Suite, Affinity Suite, Microsoft Office, CMS (Wordpress) and email marketing. Native level proficiency in English and Mandarin Chinese. Professional level proficiency in French (DELF B2) and Japanese (Level 2 of Japanese-Language Proficiency Test) Conversational Spanish and Dutch *Views are my own

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