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Gary Brown

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Are you a business owner seeking to unlock your company's financial success without the burden of a full-time CFO? Look no further. With over 15 years of financial leadership experience in multinational and SME businesses, I'm here to offer you a game-changing partnership. Imagine if you could work the hours that you want, spend more time with your family and friends, and go to bed at night without worrying about your business. You know what your vision is, and you have a plan in place to achieve it. BUT running your business is not that easy and can at times be very lonely. You have daily challenges that can be frustrating, daunting, and even confusing and it feels as if you are constantly fighting fires. Decisions must be made, and these are not always easy, especially when there are different paths to choose from. Are you experiencing one or more of the following challenges: ◼ Sales plateauing and slowing is a challenge faced by most businesses at some time. ◼ Underperforming staff is a problem for many employers and can result in missed sales and additional costs. ◼ Cash flow shortage, the most common reason for business failures. ◼ Spending long hours in the business and having minimal free time ◼ Finding the financial figures confusing and difficult to interpret I bring more than just financial expertise; I bring a proven track record of delivering tangible benefits to businesses like yours. Here is what you can gain: ▶ Master cash flow, negotiate favourable terms with suppliers and customers, and streamline stock management. ▶ Turn long-term business goals into actionable business plans. We'll prepare the roadmap for your business growth. ▶ Say goodbye to financial frustration. We'll implement performance metrics and KPIs aligned with your business plan, fostering data-driven decision-making. ▶ Watch profits soar. We will focus on risk mitigation and uncover opportunities to increase your profitability. ▶ Select and implement robust systems that facilitate rapid, cost-effective growth. ▶ Secure investments and funding. I'll enhance transparency with existing investors, create compelling board materials, and assist in raising capital. I help owners overcome business obstacles and rediscover passion for their business and freedom to enjoy life to the full. Don't let financial figures frustrate you. Transform your business with a Fractional, Part-Time or Interim CFO dedicated to your success. Unleash your business's financial potential today. 🗓 https://calendly.com/gary-brown-3/60min ☎ 07974 136203

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