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Profile picture of Gasper Stih

Gasper Stih

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"This guy talks too much." Most likely, that's me after beer or two talking about ideas, opportunities, sports, travel, or what we could do next together. After living in Hawaii in my early twenties I figured out I won't be a soccer player or pro kiteboarder (even do it crossed my mind), but I would instead do something that I'm good at, not only until my thirties but for the rest of my life. The struggle on how to survive on my own in a foreign country was real; that's when I upgraded my skill set, which was way more beneficial for me than kicking balls. If it's not clear yet, I'm a peoples person, natural to talk to, and outgoing. I found a passion for work involving sports, traveling, games and some own hobby projects. I was connecting those two with some extra set of skills, and I have put them to good use by running projects that I cared about at STA Travel. Later on, in 2017, like many others, I was pulled into the blockchain world where I was helping few projects to grow and then took leadership position at Blocktrade. All this is what motivates and drives me to improve and learn new things continuously. Currently Marketing Director at zondacrypto with 8 years marketing experience leading global distributed teams. I love meeting new people and learning new things, so feel free to say hello and share a story with me!

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