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Gaurav (Bobby) Garg's Linkedin Analytics

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Gaurav (Bobby) Garg

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Gaurav Garg, affectionately known as Bobby, I bring a distinctive approach to product development that's grounded in creativity and intuition. With ADHD as my ally, I've harnessed my full-body listening and outside-the-box thinking to pioneer industry-defining products. My journey is about challenging the status quo and disrupting the norm. I've consistently delivered groundbreaking solutions in the regulated industries (FinTech, Healthcare and Alice Sciences), starting from ideation to full-scale launch. My knack for innovation has fueled multi-billion-dollar businesses, and my strategic partnerships have driven continued growth. Over two decades, I've held individual contributor and people management roles at industry giants like Amazon, GE Healthcare, JP Morgan Chase, and startups, including VP of Product/Incubation, Director of Software Development, Director of Program Management, and Principal Product Manager - Tech. My educational foundation includes a degree in Computer Science & Computer Engineering, complemented by an MBA. I've further enriched my knowledge with certificates in data science, IoT, Design Thinking, and UX design from renowned institutions such as Johns Hopkins, MIT, and UW. My journey is about embracing neurodiversity, turning it into a strength, and constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation. Let's connect and explore how our creative paths can intersect.

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