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Prof. Georgi Chaltikyan, MD, PhD's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Prof. Georgi Chaltikyan, MD, PhD

Prof. Georgi Chaltikyan, MD, PhD

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Digital Health Expert, Educator, Scholar, and Passionate Enthusiast (15+ years). Medicine and healthcare professional, trained as a general and laparoscopic surgeon, with 20+ years of experience in clinical practice, medical and healthcare education and research, and healthcare project management. Primary focus: Digital Health (use of digital technology to make healthcare better, safer, accessible, and affordable for all), International and Global Healthcare Management, and Healthcare Information Management. Professor and Head of Digital Health at the European Campus Rottal-Inn of Deggendorf Institute of Technology (DIT-ECRI), Bavaria, Germany, and at Russian-Armenian University (RAU), Yerevan, Armenia. Founder, Past President, and Board Member of the Armenian Association of Digital Health (AADH). WHO Digital Health Consultant. Specialties: Digital Health, Telemedicine, eHealth, Health ICT, Medicine, Global Health, Healthcare Administration, (Cross-Border) Healthcare Management, Medical and Health Education and Research.

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