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Hello You, yes You. Welcome to my page 👷🏾‍♀️I am a licensed professional civil engineer with over 7 years experience in the construction industry ranging from 🏩Residential, 🏢Commercial, 🏭Industrial buildings and 🏥🛣Infrastructures 🤓📕Aside from that I love learning, anything I come across that interest me I pursue it. You probably won't find the evidence on my profile or anywhere for some of them but believe me those things I seem to weirdly know I learnt them through internet searches, listening, staring at babies, movies etc. Best part about learning is to put to use the knowledge acquired I got an offer for the Quantic MBA during my online searches about personal finances (I think the cookies caught up with me 😅) My passion for learning got me doing the Mckinsey Forward Program because I believed there is always something new to learn and I was right I learnt to No-Code @Max Haining 100DaysofNoCode program. Made: 📟 Calculator App for my crochet business using Glide 🥘🍱 Website for best eating places in my city using Tally, Airtable and Softr I enjoy sharing information and mentoring, as someone who likes to pack information in my head releasing it to others bring me immense joy Fun Facts about me (Results from a survey) ✨️😶‍🌫️Natural talents: 📚 Reading & Leading 🤔 Very detailed, self motivated, independent woman, attentive to details, good learner, systematic 🙊 You are quite well disciplined. Your memory is something else 😅. Your seriousness in money and on wealth pia (Swahili word for also) is impressive 🧠 Memorizing things 💪🏾 You’re courageous and confident 🥳 You’re memory capability is unexplainable ✨️🤷🏾‍♀️ What would you like to learn from me?: 👩🏾‍🎤 "To express oneself", like how you freely speak up your mind. 👩🏾‍💻 How to be self motivated, independent, attentive to details, a good learner and systematic 🙏🏾 "How are you so focused and to gain knowledge from you on building wealth" 🙈 Multi tasking 💸 Costing and Budgeting ✨️Please reach out if need my boost✨️ I recharge my brain and body by sleeping (the fact that am writing this at almost 2 am in the morning is because it's Sunday and I know after my early morning Mass am coming for a long nap to compensate "I can do all this through Him who gives me strength" ~ Philippians 4:13 NIV🙏🏾 Glory to God Almighty

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