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Ghazanfar Idrees's Linkedin Analytics

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Ghazanfar Idrees

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I am a Head of Product with over 10 years of experience in leading product teams and delivering impactful solutions. I have a strong background in software engineering and a passion for creating user-centric products that solve real-world problems. Currently, I am leading the product strategy and vision at PakWheels.com, Pakistan's largest online marketplace for cars and bikes. I manage a team of product managers, designers, and SEO experts, and collaborate with stakeholders across the organization to execute strategic experiments and meet growth targets. Previously, I transformed the online health care platform, oladoc.com, by developing new features and improving the user experience, resulting in a 10x organic growth, 30% increase in user retention and a 50% boost in conversion rate. I also have a proven track record in the healthcare and automotive classifieds sectors for B2B and B2C markets. My core competencies include feature definition, software product management, strategic roadmaps, user research, data analysis, and agile methodologies. I have a keen interest in emerging technologies and trends, and I constantly seek to learn new skills and improve my craft. I am also an active contributor to the product community, with over 3000 followers on LinkedIn, and a recipient of multiple honors and awards, such as the Silver Medal and the Coding Guru Winner. My mission is to deliver products that make a positive difference in people's lives and create value for the businesses I work with. I am always looking for new challenges and opportunities to grow and innovate. I believe that collaboration, communication, and feedback are essential for product success.

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