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Ghulam Mustafa

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Welcome to (Eleanore Dassault)'s LinkedIn page! Since our establishment, we have always been adhering to our concept of creating a 3DEXPERIENCE world for enterprises and individuals, imagining sustainable innovation, and realizing the harmonious state of products, nature and life, and constantly striving to promote the development and progress of the industry. **Company Mission**: We are committed to putting people first, maintaining a diverse workforce and acting ethically. Where and when we are, we support our employees, customers, partners and communities around the world. Dassault Systèmes firmly believes that human progress is real progress, and we are committed to creating positive social impact. **core value**: At Dassault Systèmes, we are a global community of 20,000 passionate individuals united in diversity by sharing the same "IF" mindset and values. "IF" refers to our passion for exploring new possibilities, and "WE" refers to our belief that by bringing our communities together, we can make a difference. Our values are the true source of what motivates us to achieve our goals and ultimately our dreams together. They reflect Dassault Systèmes' mindset of constantly challenging ourselves in our collaborative innovation journey. **Business Scope**: Our business covers aviation, IT, energy, media, real estate, art, wine and other fields, and has accumulated rich experience and expertise in these fields. Whether it is in the field of aviation or real estate, we have won the trust of our customers with high standards of service and excellent quality. **Company Culture**: We are at the forefront of technology innovation that benefits businesses of all sizes — from global industry leaders to start-ups and even individuals! **Social Responsibility**: As a member of the society, we actively participate in charity activities and social welfare undertakings, and are committed to giving back to the society and creating a better future together. If you want to know more about us, welcome to visit my LinkedIn and send me a request link. Thank you for your attention to [Dassault Group]! [Dassault Group] Family Office Member:josie Dassault pay tribute

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