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Gilbert Hill

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Privacy technologist, entrepreneur and speaker. Previously Chief Strategy Officer at Pool Data and CEO at Tapmydata, VC-funded startups building tools for data control and portability. I now advise brands, boards and financial insitutions on data strategy, governance and execution, and am Industry Commissioner to the UK's Data & Marketing Regulator. After a career in Finance, as MD of a London digital agency I grew fascinated by the relationship between data, digital marketing and regulation, founding Optanon, a pioneering software product in the PrivTech sector, and Cookiepedia, knowledge base for consumer tracking on the Web. After a sustained period of organic growth and profit, these businesses were acquired by OneTrust and I led the deal, migration of legacy clients, team and technology while establishing new operational units across Europe. On a voluntary basis, I was Chair of the Responsible Marketing Committee for the DMA, having previously Chaired the Mobile & Connected Council. I am currently a member of the UK Regulators & AI working group, chaired by the ICO. I enjoy making time for public speaking, training and contribute to the debate around Data Privacy in the context of Blockchain, AI Ethics and Digital Transformation via the press, international events and media.

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