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Giulia Cazzamani

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I am extremely practical and pragmatic. The Accademia Navale gave me a training of respect and dedication to work. I’m used to working in teams and I feel collaborative and determined to achieve my goals. I joyned the Naval Accademy in 2012 and there I graduated in Naval Engineering in 2016. Through the years, from june to september, I took part as naval engineer in several international mission throughout the Mediterranean Sea on military ships such as Amerigo Vespucci, Cavour and Garibaldi. The most important among them was on Frigate Aviere and called "Operazione Sophia", a search and rescue mission in the south-central mediterranean sea in 2015 in which we saved 150 refugees. After the degree in Civil Engineering at the University of Genova in 2019, I started my job in La Spezia as Work Manager for many important construction sites, two of the biggest were "Adeguamento sismico Caserma Duca degli Abruzzi" (10 M€) and "Bonifica ambientale dell'Arsenale sotterraneo realizzato dalla NATO" (1 M€). I also held the role of responsible for the procedure (RUP) the fields of design and implementation for the ordinary maintenance of the roof of the buildings of the air base of Luni. At the moment I am attending a training course to carry out the figure of the coordinator of security in the fields of design and implementation under D.Lgs 81/08 to add professional skills in the field of infrastructure.

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