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Tom Godfrey

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I am an experienced consultant and product manager with a background in Product Management, Data & Analytics and Finance. I work with customers to help transform their business and create meaningful change, both at a strategic level and operationally. I have a particular interest in how technology, data and analytics can be utilised to support people in their role, optimise the experience for customers, and, ultimately, deliver value for the business. I bring a people-centric and agile approach to prioritise the person who is managing or interacting with that product, service or business process and focus on their needs, delivering value incrementally and sustainably. I am a big believer of using data to drive decision making and performing rapid experimentation to support innovation and transformation activities. I have worked with customers to deliver innovative transformation initiatives across a range of industries such as Retail, Media, Financial Services, Transport, Utilities, and Government & Public Sector. Before starting my current role I was Head of Product at a financial analytics software company building out our existing platform and defining the vision and roadmap for a next-gen FP&A solution. If you want to learn more about how we, at Gate One, can help your business, I would love to have a quick chat. We have extensive capabilities across Digital, Data & Product, AI, Customer Experience, Operating Model, Transformation Strategy, Sustainability to name just a few.

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