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Grégoire Denjean-Massia's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Grégoire Denjean-Massia

Grégoire Denjean-Massia

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Are you struggling with inefficient and costly IT disposal solutions? Are you worried about data security and environmental impact? In today's fast-paced world, businesses need a reliable, cost-effective, and sustainable way to manage e-waste. Unfortunately, many existing solutions are inflexible, expensive, and untrustworthy. This often leaves companies vulnerable to data breaches and environmental hazards. I'm Gregoire Denjean-Massia, and I specialize in project management, strategy, distribution, logistics, and operations. Throughout my career, I’ve been the "Swiss knife" and "infantry" of my teams, spearheading projects from start to finish and paving the way for continued growth. As part of WAT, a company dedicated to sustainable electronics, I address these critical pain points. We offer comprehensive solutions for IT disposal, including repair, maintenance, data erasure and destruction, and recycling. Our approach is efficient, convenient, trustworthy, and cost-effective, ensuring that your data is securely managed without risk of leaks and fully compliant with regulations.

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