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Gregory Shevchenko's Linkedin Analytics

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Gregory Shevchenko

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🚀 Looking for help to grow your business through AI-powered ads and sales automation? 👉 Start here http://humanswith.ai/ Want to contact me by email? Let’s chat at [email protected] __ I am a serial entrepreneur with ten years of experience in business, having failed over five projects before they started to work. Growth marketing agency Co-Founder and The Wall Street Journal trusted business commentator. Now expanding a successful marketing business globally. As a growth marketing agency CEO, I've already helped Yandex (Russian Google) to get new sales channels for their core business, generating advertising revenue. As a team, we have already helped other niche big names from UAE and Greece. We are good at assisting impactful brands and self-made entrepreneurs with growing their businesses through marketing lead generation (ads and outreach), digitalization (IT) and sales optimization (conversion growth). Situations my team and I can help you with: • setting up AI-powered advertising management, • getting new clients from the internet, • doubling the number of customers with the same adv budget, • doubling your sales department conversions through training and automation, • maximizing revenue from your customer base with AI sales technologies. We are interested in helping companies that are number one of two in their industries, like AI or digital startups, social or community-based, Med and Healthcare, HR, EdTech, and B2B-oriented ones, and would like to grow using all-new and also guaranteed approaches. AI-powered online advertising, lead generation and blogger ads, cold outreach, no-code websites and social networks content creation, CRM and sales automation can be entrusted to us! We provide all services for one goal - conversions maximization in the business funnel, revenue and profit growth. Read more on our website https://shevchenko.bz/ or http://humanswith.ai/

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