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Tim Eckert's Linkedin Analytics

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Tim Eckert

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🎿 ☕️ 🚀 What do "Ski Days", "Grind Size", and "Leads" have in common? 👉 They are all metrics of my analysing, experimenting, learning, and applying a Growth Mindset in life and business. Resulting in a passion for Skiing, the skill to brew a delicious cup of coffee, and growing with many great startups. Yeah, I just really like to optimise, learn, experiment, and find new ways. In the process, I was growing myself, my previous employers, and Startups (maybe yours?) at Peakora. I am an open-minded, fast-paced and practical team player. I love to learn new things, go new ways and rethink existing ones. You can always test even the craziest ideas to discover new potential. Connect and write me if you want to discuss 💪

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