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Manu Gupta's Linkedin Analytics

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Manu Gupta

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I am a product manager with a passion for creating positive impact on society through data science and machine learning. I have a strong academic background in economics and applied mathematics from IIT Kanpur, where I graduated with a Bachelor's and a Master's degree in 2018. In my most recent role as a product manager at Interview Kickstart, I managed a portfolio of data courses, leading a team of four and collaborating with over 50 FAANG industry experts. I designed a domain identification model to accurately match leads with the most appropriate courses, improving lead conversion and course enrolment. I also worked closely with the engineering team to define and prioritize features and functionality of the product, and organized webinars to increase sales conversion. Previously, I was a data scientist at Quantiphi and CSTEP, where I helped clients automate and optimize their processes using machine learning. I created an AI-powered product that improved supply chain and logistics management for CSTEP, and developed churn prediction, sales forecasting, and bonus forecasting models for a US-based insurance company at Quantiphi. I am a fast, analytical thinker with a keen attention to detail and a willingness to adapt to changing project requirements. I excel in process improvement, data analysis, and k-means clustering. I am looking for an opportunity to contribute to solving the problems in the world, especially in the areas of environmental impact, education, and health.

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