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Haley Tranum

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I live by the mantra “transforming visions into reality.” My career journey goes beyond marketing; it involves building connections, understanding diverse perspectives, and creating online branding and content strategies that excite and engage consumers. I'm not just a strategist, but a big-picture thinker focused on innovating the most effective and efficient outcomes. ★BRANDING STRATEGIST I excel at boosting sales by deciphering what makes consumers tick and using research, data, and analytics to craft impactful strategies. These critical success factors have enabled me to succeed in digital agencies and entrepreneurship roles. I have spearheaded marketing campaigns for my own retail business and global brands, including Walmart, Amazon, Ghirardelli, Lindt Chocolate, Mars, and Unilever. A key component to my success is leading technical integration. I started my passion for tech by dismantling my first computer in 4th grade. This blend of technical expertise and strategic thinking earned me a promotion to Director of Web Development for a multinational firm with success: * Launching 60+ websites — managed 10+ projects simultaneously. * Achieved a 5X increase in ROI, spearheading the rebranding of a pest control website. ORGANIZATION LEADERSHIP You don't build a business; you build relationships. This philosophy has been the cornerstone of my career, shaping how I lead, build teams, and interact with clients. I love right-brain thinking, but I also enjoy a good spreadsheet. I can speak both worlds. My career journey began at a non-profit, where I honed mentoring, leadership, and fundraising skills. I have also created a bike loaner program that gave 100+ bikes to kids in need for the past 5 years. These experiences sparked my passion for team building, leadership, and business development. I inspire teams to succeed and embrace change by being a people leader rather than a boss. As a Marketing Director, I coached a team of 5 international employees, helping them become the best versions of themselves. A new hobby is learning to fly planes while mastering high risk-taking, precision, and decision-making. These skills are invaluable for developing brand strategies for Fortune 500 companies. I started college as the digital marketing industry was ramping up, so I’ve learned to develop my skills to fit where the industry is going. Most recently, I became Walmart Connect Ad Certified, credentialed in Walmart’s platform and ad format. Let’s connect and have a conversation about growing your business and achieving success.

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